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Whitepaper Flowers

Flowers not only create atmosphere in your living or working environment, but also have a proven positive influence on work performance. In the Netherlands we are therefore proud to be the number 1 exporter worldwide when it comes to cut flowers. Although the flower sector has been hit hard by the Corona crisis, the future prospects are not unfavourable. Moreover, new research offers a refreshing look at the most optimal transport conditions for cut flowers. What developments can be seen in the cut flower market, and how do you ensure that your flowers reach their destination without loss of quality? You can read about it in this Whitepaper

In this Whitepaper, find out more about...

  • Developments in the flower sector
  • Ensuring the quality of flowers

Learn more about our Whitepaper

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Chilled shipping with Coolpack cooling elements

Curabitur eget mi vulputate, tristique diam quis, facilisis elit. Nam at sapien sed elit venenatis tempus. Donec faucibus leo a metus gravida condimentum. Sed vestibulum mattis lorem, eu aliquet lacus imperdiet eu. Phasellus lacinia turpis nibh, nec ultrices nibh maximus non. Aliquam tempus mauris orci, eu rhoncus nibh viverra id. Nam a purus eros. Duis vitae condimentum augue.

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