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Concentrates are used as raw materials in many food products. For example in confectionery, dairy and bakery products. It is unnecessary to use chilled vans for sending small quantities and samples, and chilled packaging can be a good, cost-effective, flexible and more environmentally conscious alternative.
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Transporting concentrates in small quantitie

Rotterdam and Antwerp are important harbors in Europe and therefore play a crucial role in the logistics and distribution of a wide variety of products. An example of this are NFC (not from concentrate) juices, purees and concentrates. These products are used, among other things, as raw materials in the food industry. Ultimately, these products end up in, for example, confectionery, food ingredients (for eg pudding, salads, smoothies, etc), dairy and bakery products. In Europe, several companies are active in this market.


Does it regularly happen that your customers first want to test the NFC juices, purees and concentrates before ordering and do these products have to be sent chilled? Our gel packs and cooling elements can then offer a good solution. These are quickly available in large and small quantities, and are non-toxic and food-proof.

Product advice

Our customers in this specific industry mainly use our gel packs or cooling elements to send samples, possibly in combination with one of the EPS boxes. By combining cooling and insulation, the concentrates can remain at the right temperature for extended transport periods of over 24 to 48 hours.


Our gel packs and cooling elements are available in all shapes and sizes. Are the standard sizes not sufficient for your situation? Thanks to our own production facility on location, we can come up with a tailor-made solution for your specific application together. Coolpack’s products are of excellent quality and meet all legal requirements and there are many food-proof options.


Do you have questions or would you like to receive advice? Please feel free to contact us. We are happy to help you!

Why choose Coolpack?

Feel free to contact us

We are ready to answer all your questions and help you find a suitable solution for your cooled transport in the Food industry.

    From issue to customized cooling solution

    This is how we help you ensure quality and safety of food products under all circumstances.

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    Coolpack icon Group 4577


    Coolpack icon Group 4579


    Coolpack icon Group 4581

    Test product

    Coolpack icon Group 4583

    Mass production

    Coolpack icon Group 4585


    Coolpack icon Group 4587

    End user

    Sustainable refrigerated shipping: this is how you do it

    Good cooling is important when transporting concentrates. A stable temperature is crucial for quality maintenance and this can be well guaranteed for transports of up to 24 to 48 hours by means of well-insulated packaging. Unfortunately, not all insulation options are environmentally conscious. This while sustainability is becoming increasingly important for companies and consumers. Fortunately, there is a simple way to send your products sustainably and chilled: the EcoCoolBox. It also has a pleasant and luxurious appearance.

    arriving-white-truck-road-rural-landscape-sunset kopiëren

    Vaak besteld in de Food

    Request a quote to receive a quote for the products. Need small quantities? Order directly through our webshop.
    Gelpack pillowpack

    Gelpack Original 400g

    Whether you want to ship fish, meat, cheese, chocolate, foodstuffs or flowers safely conditioned, you have come to the right place with Coolpack BV. Whether you need to ship goods frozen, cooled or at room temperature, we have the solution for you.
    Koelelement 400 gram blauw


    The advantage of the traditional cooling element is that you can reuse them and they are very strong. We guarantee you that the cooling elements filled with a foodproof gel and do not leak during transport.
