Changed opening hours: on 18 and 19 May we are closed due to Ascension Day.

Pharmacy and Medical

Pharmacy and Medical branche

Clinical testing

Materials for clinical medicine research and vaccines must be stored within specific temperature ranges regardless of external conditions. Also during transport. The temperature in particular is important for quality maintenance. Packaging specialists such as Coolpack can develop cooling systems that meet the needs of the requested packaging.

Sending blood samples refrigerated: this is how you do it

Blood tests are bloody important. There is a lot to take into account. Just take the logistics. How do you transport the blood tube from the hospital to the laboratory? Or rather: how do you keep this blood tube in optimal condition during transport? The current way of working is usually far from ideal. Hospitals or laboratories are dependent on external parties for conditioned transport. This is a time consuming and expensive process. Fortunately, this can be done faster and cheaper! Read in this article about the simple solution for cooled transport of blood.

Tailored advice

At Coolpack we have a lot of experience with different transport situations. Whether you want to keep your goods cooled at 0 to 8 degrees or at another specific temperature range. We offer cooling and freezing solutions for temperatures down to -21 degrees. We can achieve this by using Phase Change Material.

You can also contact us for tailor-made solutions. Think, for example, of segmented gel packs to cool blood samples all around and gel packs in the dimensions you desire. Questions or more information? Feel free to contact us!

From issue to a customized cooling solution

In this way we help you to guarantee the quality and safety of food products under all circumstances.








Test product


Mass production




End user

Products for the Clinical testing branche

Request a quote to receive a quote for the products. Need small quantities? Order directly through our webshop.

Original gelpack

Whether you want to ship fish, meat, cheese, chocolate, foodstuffs or flowers safely conditioned, you have come to the right place with Coolpack BV. Whether you need to ship goods frozen, cooled or at room temperature, we have the solution for you.




Advice within 1 working day!

Cooling elements: the unmissable link in thermal packaging

Coolpack’s products are an indispensable link when it comes to thermal packaging, also known as thermal packaging. Binnen de gevalideerde thermal packaging verpakkingsoplossing worden met name koelelementen gebruikt. Met de juiste buitenverpakking kan voor een lange periode een zeer stabiele temperatuur worden aangehouden, namelijk tot een periode van 120 uur.

Om dit te realiseren kunnen de koelelementen worden gevuld met Phase Change Material (PCM). Door de hoge kwaliteit van deze vulling is het mogelijk stabiele temperaturen te behalen binnen een temperatuurrange van -65 tot +42 graden.

Indien de voorkeur uitgaat naar een flexibeler koelmiddel kunnen onze diepgevroren gelpacks ook worden ingezet om de te verzenden producten op temperatuur te houden. The gel packs can also be filled with PCM to maintain very stable temperatures for a long period.

