
Cold chain supplier

Global Cold Chain supplier and partner

Coolpack is trusted partner and supplier to over 1100 customers worldwide. So you will find our gel packs, cooling elements and insulation packaging not only on Dutch soil, but also in many other European countries and Central America, Africa and Asia. And the demand for quality cooling solutions for transport continues to grow at home and abroad. To guarantee quality and sustainability, we conform to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification, among others .

Why customers around the world choose Coolpack’s refrigerants. They rely on our bucket of experience and knowledge we’ve accumulated over the past 20 years. And we produce over 200 products in-house. This allows us to realize customized solutions for large clients in addition to standard solutions on a small scale. Moreover, we like to think along with our customers when new challenges arise in the field of refrigerated and frozen transport. Our team is always at your service with appropriate advice.

Our clients

Cold chain supplier to market leaders

Temperature Solutions

Do you want to transport goods chilled or frozen, or are you looking for ambient solutions? Coolpack has an answer to every question in the cold chain. Based on your desired temperature, we determine the recipe and refrigerated filling to keep the products at the desired temperature.


Every transport comes with unique requirements for the refrigerant used. From reusable solid refrigerated elements and plates to single-use thin film packs – everything you’re looking for is in our range.

Refrigerated packaging

Packaging and insulation play a major role in transportation. Coolpack has insulation packaging in all shapes and sizes. Our range serves every transportation and industry.

The facts behind our cooling solutions

Awards won with our products
Years of experience in refrigerated transport
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Colleagues working on your cooling solution
0 +

From issue to customized cooling solution

This is how we help you ensure quality and safety of food products under all circumstances.

Sustainability Coolpack and CSR

At Coolpack, we are aware of our responsibility to contribute to society. Both in terms of sustainability and society as a social body.

We weigh the interests of the customer, the environment and society, as well as ourselves as an organization, in all business decisions. In this way, we achieve balanced business operations and together ensure an ever better world.

Coolpack's latest news

De Ridder BV | Coolpack achieves A Great Place to Work certification! At De Ridder BV | Coolpack, we are […]

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We are available on weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. by phone. Email is guaranteed to be answered within 24 hours. We are happy to meet with you to find the best solutions and answer any questions. Or you can use the form below.

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